Federal overtime rule delayed
Doctors of optometry can delay plans to increase overtime pay to salaried employees as Federal Courts review the legality of the new overtime regulation. On Tuesday, Nov. 22, a federal judge in Texas temporarily blocked a regulation expanding by millions the number of workers who would be eligible for time-and- a-half overtime pay. The regulation, scheduled to take effect on Dec. 1, would have required private employers to pay overtime to most salaried employees earning less than $47,476 annually and working 40-plus hours weekly. The injunction is only a temporary measure that suspends the regulation until the judge can issue a ruling on the merits. KOA & AOA will continue to keep the optometry profession informed as this unfolds.
New federal patient nondiscrimination requirements
- Click here for more information.
- Click here to view examples (sample pdfs, wording, materials) that AOA has provided to use in your office.
KY Health Cooperative liquidation
For members who were not paid or incorrectly paid, claims were to be submitted by October 31, 2016. For helpful information regarding the liquidation, please visit the Department of Insurance’s website: http://insurance.ky.gov/.[/wa_restricted]