Welcome to KOA
Welcome to the Kentucky Optometric Association! The KOA seeks to advance the profession of optometry through education, professional development and public policy advocacy. The KOA is the voice of optometry in Kentucky. We encourage you to join our professional association and maintain the strength of optometry in Kentucky.
KOA Member Benefits
- KOA communications that alert you to the latest information you need for your practice.
- Protection in the legal arena when your rights to practice full scope optometry and access to patients are challenged.
- Representation of the optometric profession at state and national levels on legislative and regulatory matters that impact your ability to practice to the fullest extent of your education and training.
- Representation of the optometric profession with insurers to prevent discriminatory practices that limit your ability to have access to potential patients.
- KOA and AOA promotion of the optometric profession to the general public – including a Basic listing within the Think About Your Eyes program which is valued at $250, provided by the KOA at no cost to you.
- The Kentucky Optometric Foundation attends numerous health fairs each year, promoting the profession of optometry and the KOA members.
- Warnings of coding problems and other legal consequences that arise with changes in Kentucky statutes and regulations.
- Assistance with Insurance Coding and all other issues which impact your practice by the KOA staff – including MCO issues, MIPS/MACRA questions, and PQRS guidance.
- Free access to AOA MORE, the registry offered by AOA (valued at $1800) which integrates data from an EHR to allow PQRS benchmarking and reporting.
- Discounted rates on KOA, SECO and AOA CE meetings, free attendance at other KOA educational programming.
- Attendance at local society meetings for briefings and information.
- Webinars & Special CE available to Members Only.
- Access to the restricted member portion of the KOA website and AOA website, which is updated weekly with the latest optometric news in Kentucky and nationally.
- Free AOA and Southern Council mailings, meetings, publications, and other programs, etc. available at member rates.
- Discounted fees for materials and services from KOA and AOA.
- Discounted rates on health insurance, liability insurance, disability insurance and other programs.
- Name listed in the Find A Doctor section of the KOA website which gets thousands of hits each month from consumers looking for a doctor.
- Opportunity to list your e-mail address and your own website link listed on the KOA web site.
- Referrals from the KOA office.
- Consumer complaints on you or your practice handled by the KOA office instead of being immediately referred to the Board of Optometric Examiners.
- Access to the KOA placement service.
- Calls to state agencies on your behalf when you experience a problem, are audited, sued, etc.